HBUHSD Armed Services Night - 4/3
Golden West College Family College Info Night - 4/8
Discover OCC - 4/8
Understanding UC Admissions - 4/10
CAU - Prepare for Takeoff - 4/10
Experience Cal State Fullerton - 4/12
UCLA 17th Annual Student Experience Weekend hosted by Southeast Asian Coalition from 4/11-4/13
On behalf of the Southeast Asian Student Organizations at UCLA, we cordially invite prospective UCLA students to participate in the 17th Annual Student Experience Weekend hosted by Southeast Asian Coalition! This year, SEW Admit will be a three-day, two night in-person program with informational workshops, a family-mentorship system to meet current UCLA students and fellow admits, network with alumni, a campus tour, and more to learn more about the Southeast Asian community at UCLA!
The FREE in-person program will start on Friday, April 11th at 8:00 AM and end on Sunday, April 13th at 6:30 PM. Housing and meals will be provided throughout the weekend, and we will have transportation accommodations to UCLA! This program is created for ALL prospective UCLA students to learn more about UCLA, interact with current and other newly admitted students, and engage with alumni through various student-alumni networking events. In addition to these opportunities, they will get the chance to attend a series of in-person workshops exploring Southeast Asian (SEA) identity, financial resources, and how to navigate higher education. To help them get acquainted with UCLA, an in-person tour will also focus on the experiences of students of color across our beautiful campus. These events will enable prospective students to form new connections and familiarize themselves with resources available to all students here at UCLA.
Additionally, in an effort to make this program more accessible to all applicants, we are offering travel scholarships for applicants who may encounter difficulties financing their transportation to and from UCLA. Our travel scholarship application will be located on our general application for long-haul travel via bus or train.
We highly encourage them to reserve a spot at this award-winning, student-run weekend as soon as possible, as spaces are limited. It is important that you fill out the application by the deadline, Saturday, April 5th, at 11:59 PM PDT to ensure your spot. You can find the application and more information here. Our website will constantly be updated, so please check back often for additional updates. If you need any accommodations on our end, please let us know in the application as well.
If you have any questions regarding SEW Admit Weekend, please do not hesitate to contact us via email ([email protected]), or refer to our website. We look forward to hearing from them soon!
Once again, the Southeast Asian Student Organizations at UCLA would like to congratulate the prospective students on their achievements and admission to one of the top universities in the world!
With AppreSEAation,
SEW hosted by SEA Co Admit Outreach Coordinators
Natalie Tran, Parissa “Naps” Lor-Tim, Emilee Gip, Kaylena Vuong
Student Experience Weekend hosted by Southeast Asian Coalition 2025
University of California, Los Angeles
USC Marshall School of Business Open House - 4/13
Irvine Valley College Preview Night - 4/16
FREE UCI Summer Program: LIFEvest
SoFi presents Preparing for College Webinar Series - 4/17 and 5/22
CSU Fullerton Spring Webinar Series
GWC Puente Program
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