Fountain Valley High School

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Senior Clearance

Senior Clearance
6/9/2023, 1:30 PM 4:00 PM

Directions for Senior Clearance will be announced prior to Friday, June 9th.  If you have not turned in your textbooks/chromebook you will be directed to turn them in and complete the clearance process before you are allowed to pick up your cap and gown and graduation tickets.                        

Cap/Gowns: All students who did not purchase their cap and gown prior to this date 

MUST BRING $40.00 CASH TO BUY  AT THIS TIME.  *Tassels $15.00


Graduation Ticket Distribution:  Students only (no exceptions)                        

You may pick up your graduation tickets from the Finance Office between 1:30- 4:00 pm (*must complete senior clearance first)

 4 complimentary tickets per graduate, must show student ID

 You may purchase 3 additional tickets for $5.00 each - cash only

 (ONLY 3 additional tickets each, no exceptions)*Any additional tickets not purchased on 6/9 will be sold first come, first serve on Monday 6/12 at Senior Breakfast.

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